News Archive
19 Sep 23: Board Meeting
Murray Dickie stood down as Treasurer. The board would like to thank Murray for his contributions to the Trust not only as Secretary but as someone with specialist and historical knowledge of the dam and park. Murray is a member of the Clackmannanshire Field Studies Society and has produced a book about the dam for the Trust. We're looking to do a second print run of the book as our first batch has sold out. Linda Fletcher was nominated and voted to take on the role as Treasurer.
20 Jun 23: Board Meeting
Tracy Sheppard stood down as Secretary. We would like to thank Tracy for all the hard work she has put in as Secretary. Tracy will remain as a trustee supporting the work of the Development Trust. The board agreed that Nicoll Fletcher would become Secretary, in addition to his role as IT and social media administrator. The board also welcomed new members: Mary Banks, Linda Fletcher, Kristy Settle.
18 Jun 2023: Inaugural Sunken Garden Monthly Event
We held our first monthly Sunken Garden get-together. These events will take place on the third Sunday of each month.
16 May 2023: Annual General Meeting
The Trust held its AGM as we come out of the last two to three difficult years. The existing trustees were re-elected and accounts approved.
Jan 2020: New Ranger Service Volunteer Days 2020 at Gartmorn Dam .
These are volunteering opportunities once a months on a Wednesday to benefit biodiversity at the park. For details follow the link.
16 Dec 2020: Annual General Meeting
The AGM 2020 on the 16th of December saw a change in the Board of Trustees and the introduction of a Membership Fee, which is now £5 for individual members and £10 for organisations to support the basic admin of our small charity.
01 Nov 2019 Invitation
Gartmorn Dam Country Park Development Trust is having its next Open Meeting on Wednesday, the 27th of November at 7 PM at the Coalsnaughton Community Hall and we would like to invite our members and partners to come along to share/discuss past and future activities and any relevant news and ideas regarding the Country Park.
This is also an excellent opportunity to join us for a first time and to get to know what the Trust is all about. We are always looking for more supporters of the Park to join us and the board is looking to add new people to the team.
We're looking forward to seeing you there!
13 May 2019: Is it a Boy? Is it a Girl? It's a CHARITY!
Gartmorn Dam Country Park Development Trust is a Scottish registered charity as of the 10th of May! THANKS to ALL who have got us this far!!! Lets keep the momentum going, lots to do.