Gate Opening Times

Gate Opening Times

(Thanks to the Ranger Service for the following information)

The opening times for the Gate is 08:30 in the morning 

Closing times for cars are the following:

JAN 17.30.

FEB 16th 18.00.

MARCH 3rd 18.30. 

MARCH 17th 19.00. 

MARCH 25th 20.30.

APRIL 14th 21.00.

APRIL 28th 21.30.

MAY to JULY 21.30.

AUG 31st 21.00.

SEPT 8th 20.30.

SEPT 19th 20.00.

SEPT 30th 19.30.

OCT 13th 19.00.

OCT 28th 17.30.

NOV 17.30.

DEC 17.30.

Important Note: The gatekeeper will try to make sure that everybody in vehicles has left the reserve before closing the gate, but if they can’t locate the owner/s, they will leave a note with emergency contact details and will also report the vehicle to the Police and the Council’s out of hours emergency team.

Other emergency situations being dealt with at the time will be prioritised, and depending on circumstances the Council may charge a call out fee to open the gates out of hours.

See also the Clacks Web Page for more information.